More than a consultancy

Good Stuff International is a global company of experts that support people and organisations in sustainable water use, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity protection.

GSI’s Catchment Passport Methodology for Water Stewardship in Ica and Aconcagua Catchments

Agricultural Water Stewardship in Latin America presents different challenges. Experiences using the Catchment Passport methodology provided key learnings on how to embark in an immediate and practical way in Water Stewardship at the catchment level.

It is positive that many organizations are willing to embrace Water Stewardship in their global value chains. However, taking this journey is a challenging task, as water stewards need to deeply understand local realities, engage and co-create long-term solutions with local stakeholders.

In the last years, we were lucky to work with dedicated partners such as the Nature's Pride Foundation, the Sustainable Trade Initiative/SIFAV and RVO, and gather important learnings in the application of the Catchment Passport. This methodology was used to scientifically depict and condense the water situation of Ica and Aconcagua catchments. This was subsequently shared and validated with local stakeholders and value chain partners, deriving key messages and actionable opportunities.

The experience provides a practical example of agri value chains engaging on “Water Stewardship in action”. Water Stewardship work in Ica and Aconcagua is just starting, these are long-term commitments. For now, we are pleased to openly share the experience so far, its outcomes and learnings, and would also love to hear your views on this topic!

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