Collective Action forWater Stewardship in Ica, Perú
Together with our local partner XynergIca and our international partners, IDH SIFAV secretariat and its members, the Dutch Government, the Nature´s Pride Foundation, WRAP and WRAP's business supporters, we are carrying out the Ica Catchment Water Stewardship project. The project aims to strengthen the catchment’s water cycle and biodiversity, reduce erosion, and improve the livelihoods of communities. These activities are embedded into an overall Water Stewardship Plan for the Ica catchment.
The Ica Valley in Peru is a major producer of fresh fruit and vegetables (grapes, avocado, and asparagus) exported globally. While the agro-exports from the valley are a successful economic model for the region and Peru, it has resulted in major water challenges. Traders and retailers source large volumes of fruits and vegetables from Ica. Due to the water challenges in Ica Valley, they are increasingly confronted with risks associated with unsustainable production. In 2019, a process took off to understand how to deal with the water challenges in Ica Valley. This process led to a key outcome in 2023, the start of the Ica Water Stewardship collective action project.