More than a consultancy

Good Stuff International is a global company of experts that support people and organisations in sustainable water use, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity protection.

ZITRUS project moves forward in collective action

During April 2024, we experienced intense days of Collective action with the ZITRUS WWF/EDEKA project

Together with the project team, we shared learnings and progresses on the different project components, and co-designed future steps and strategies to increase impact of project measures.

We also had the opportunity to visit some farms and experience on the ground how project measures on toxic load reduction, biodiversity and water come together, leading to farms full of life and integrated with the local ecosystems. Farmers who, after almost 10 years integrating these measures, have commercial stability and more resilient farms, are the best proof that the business case in Water Stewardship is possible.

Finally, this week we had our first workshop with the project team, producers and the Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar. A crucial step to bring farmers closer to water authorities and vice versa. In addition to exchanging information about the project and public tools to access relevant information on water, a collaboration process was initiated to put project measures in value to contribute to the hydrological planning objectives in reducing pressures or improving the state of water bodies.

Together, we continue the journey up the Water Stewardship ladder, promoting collective action and linking it to influence governance.

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